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DRD is the convergence of tireless efforts to bring the better life for people with disabilities

A friendly and accessible place where enables individuals with disabilities and their family, and connects organizations, partners and the community.


DRD is a non-profit organisation, established on the 3rd of December, 2005, under an initial sponsorship of the Ford Foundation. Up until now, DRD has been working under the supervision of the Vietnam Union of Scientific and Technological Associations (VUSTA). DRD has been making every effort day after day to contribute to an equal and non-discriminatory society for persons with disabilities (PWDs). In the past ten years, with the support and companionship of donors and its partners, DRD has obtained the initial achievements noted below in strengthening the capacity of PWDs and promoting social integration for individuals and communities of PWDs.


DRD believes that every possible change in our world is created by the very change in ourselves - you and I. When persons with disabilities (PWDs) contribute their values to national socio-economic development, then the equal participation of PWDs and equal opportunities for them are indeed meaningful.


Improve the quality of life of people with disabilities


Strive for a barrier-free, inclusive society for PWDs’fully enhanced capacity.

Core values:

For PWDs: DRD is an organisation of PWDs and for PWDs, proven by the perspectives of rights of PWDs, capacity of PWDs, equal opportunities for PWDs, and equitable participation of PWDs in economic, cultural, political and social activities.

Respect values and capacity of PWDs: DRD provides a work environment where values and capacities of PWDs are respected.

Inspiring PWDs and the public: DRD encourages innovative approaches, bringing about belief in and new angles about PWDs and promoting their contributions.

Transparency: Every activity of DRD is designed, appraised, implemented, monitored and evaluated in a transparent manner and reported adequately and widely to relevant stakeholders and the public.

Trust & Quality: The results of years of operation have brought about trust in DRD, proven by the quality of the services, policy proposals and people at DRD.


- Empower people with disabilities
- Remove barriers